Wednesday, January 5, 2011


We have been feeding Sophia table food for a couple of weeks now so she eats what we eat most of the time. A couple of nights ago I made spaghetti...Sophia fed herself  :)

You can see she was starting to get tired by the end. Her poor highchair will never look the same.


  1. Oh how cute is she?! I didn't realize she was shirtless until about the 5th picture down and it made me laugh - She looks like she is having a blast!
    I keep wondering when we can feed Jul some table food but she has no teeth, so I am hesitant... but she is eyeing up our dinners every night and I want to give her some so badly but i have no clue when to start it... *sigh*

  2. Thank you! She definetely had fun in the beginning but by the end she was tired and a huge mess so she was ready for the bath! Sophia has two bottom teeth and got them when she was around 5.5 months but she mostly gums the food ya know? I would give her a little something soft to try and see how she does. You never know, she just may suprise you! Sophia loves food! It's so nice to eat the same stuff together. Plus now that she is eating what we eat, I tend to cook healthier :) so that's a plus!
