Tuesday, August 31, 2010

One year ago today

Our lives changed forever and we found out we were going to be parents. One of the happiest and scariest moments of my life. Becoming a mom has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. My life is completely different than it was a year ago, and I love it.

  • We can no longer get up and go when we want. It takes at least a half hour and a small army to load up all of her "stuff"
  • 7 am is considered sleeping in
  • It's nothing out of the ordinary to talk about her poop (color, amount, frequency...you name it!) and get excited when it actually happens
  • I go out in public with spit up on my clothes...and I don't mind
  • A 15 minute shower is a luxury
  • I usually never finish a cup of coffee without having to reheat it...at least twice
I finally understand what "a mother's love means". It means that I now know what it's like to worry, to truly worry. I understand what it feels like to want to protect your child with everything you have. And how it feels when you see your child sick or hurting and want so bad that it be you instead. My heart now walks around on the outside of my body, her name is Sophia.

What a difference a year makes huh?
August 2009
August 2010

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